
How to use models

Models are meant to be “bolted” onto your research or production cases.

Bolts are meant to be used in the following ways


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Predicting on your data

Most bolts have pretrained weights trained on various datasets or algorithms. This is useful when you don’t have enough data, time or money to do your own training.

For example, you could use a pretrained VAE to generate features for an image dataset.

from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

weight_path = ''
simclr = SimCLR.load_from_checkpoint(weight_path, strict=False)
encoder = simclr.encoder
for (x, y) in own_data:
    features = encoder(x)

The advantage of bolts is that each system can be decomposed and used in interesting ways. For instance, this resnet50 was trained using self-supervised learning (no labels) on Imagenet, and thus might perform better than the same resnet50 trained with labels

# trained without labels
from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

weight_path = ''
simclr = SimCLR.load_from_checkpoint(weight_path, strict=False)
resnet50_unsupervised = simclr.encoder.eval()

# trained with labels
from torchvision.models import resnet50
resnet50_supervised = resnet50(pretrained=True)
# perhaps the features when trained without labels are much better for classification or other tasks
x = image_sample()
unsup_feats = resnet50_unsupervised(x)
sup_feats = resnet50_supervised(x)

# which one will be better?

Bolts are often trained on more than just one dataset.

from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

# imagenet weights
weight_path = ''
simclr = SimCLR.load_from_checkpoint(weight_path, strict=False)


Finetuning on your data

If you have a little bit of data and can pay for a bit of training, it’s often better to finetune on your own data.

To finetune you have two options unfrozen finetuning or unfrozen later.

Unfrozen Finetuning

In this approach, we load the pretrained model and unfreeze from the beginning

from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

weight_path = ''
simclr = SimCLR.load_from_checkpoint(weight_path, strict=False)
resnet50 = simclr.encoder
# don't call .freeze()
classifier = LogisticRegression(...)

for (x, y) in own_data:
    feats = resnet50(x)
    y_hat = classifier(feats)

Or as a LightningModule

class FineTuner(pl.LightningModule):

    def __init__(self, encoder):
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.classifier = LogisticRegression(...)

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        (x, y) = batch
        feats = self.encoder(x)
        y_hat = self.classifier(feats)
        loss = cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat, y)
        return loss

trainer = Trainer(gpus=2)
model = FineTuner(resnet50)

Sometimes this works well, but more often it’s better to keep the encoder frozen for a while

Freeze then unfreeze

The approach that works best most often is to freeze first then unfreeze later

# freeze!
from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

weight_path = ''
simclr = SimCLR.load_from_checkpoint(weight_path, strict=False)
resnet50 = simclr.encoder
classifier = LogisticRegression(...)

for epoch in epochs:
    for (x, y) in own_data:
        feats = resnet50(x)
        y_hat = classifier(feats)
        loss = cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat, y)

    # unfreeze after 10 epochs
    if epoch == 10:


In practice, unfreezing later works MUCH better.

Or in Lightning as a Callback so you don’t pollute your research code.

class UnFreezeCallback(Callback):

    def on_epoch_end(self, trainer, pl_module):
        if trainer.current_epoch == 10.

trainer = Trainer(gpus=2, callbacks=[UnFreezeCallback()])
model = FineTuner(resnet50)

Unless you still need to mix it into your research code.

class FineTuner(pl.LightningModule):

    def __init__(self, encoder):
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.classifier = LogisticRegression(...)

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):

        # option 1 - (not recommended because it's messy)
        if self.trainer.current_epoch == 10:

        (x, y) = batch
        feats = self.encoder(x)
        y_hat = self.classifier(feats)
        loss = cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat, y)
        return loss

    def on_epoch_end(self, trainer, pl_module):
        # a hook is cleaner (but a callback is much better)
        if self.trainer.current_epoch == 10:

Train from scratch

If you do have enough data and compute resources, then you could try training from scratch.

# get data
train_data = DataLoader(YourDataset)
val_data = DataLoader(YourDataset)

# use any bolts model without pretraining
model = VAE()

# fit!
trainer = Trainer(gpus=2), train_dataloaders=train_data, val_dataloaders=val_data)


For this to work well, make sure you have enough data and time to train these models!

For research

What separates bolts from all the other libraries out there is that bolts is built by and used by AI researchers. This means every single bolt is modularized so that it can be easily extended or mixed with arbitrary parts of the rest of the code-base.

Extending work

Perhaps a research project requires modifying a part of a know approach. In this case, you’re better off only changing that part of a system that is already know to perform well. Otherwise, you risk not implementing the work correctly.

Example 1: Changing the prior or approx posterior of a VAE

from pl_bolts.models.autoencoders import VAE

class MyVAEFlavor(VAE):

    def init_prior(self, z_mu, z_std):
        P = MyPriorDistribution

        # default is standard normal
        # P = distributions.normal.Normal(loc=torch.zeros_like(z_mu), scale=torch.ones_like(z_std))
        return P

    def init_posterior(self, z_mu, z_std):
        Q = MyPosteriorDistribution
        # default is normal(z_mu, z_sigma)
        # Q = distributions.normal.Normal(loc=z_mu, scale=z_std)
        return Q

And of course train it with lightning.

model = MyVAEFlavor()
trainer = Trainer()

In just a few lines of code you changed something fundamental about a VAE… This means you can iterate through ideas much faster knowing that the bolt implementation and the training loop are CORRECT and TESTED.

If your model doesn’t work with the new P, Q, then you can discard that research idea much faster than trying to figure out if your VAE implementation was correct, or if your training loop was correct.

Example 2: Changing the generator step of a GAN

from pl_bolts.models.gans import GAN

class FancyGAN(GAN):

    def generator_step(self, x):
        # sample noise
        z = torch.randn(x.shape[0], self.hparams.latent_dim)
        z = z.type_as(x)

        # generate images
        self.generated_imgs = self(z)

        # ground truth result (ie: all real)
        real = torch.ones(x.size(0), 1)
        real = real.type_as(x)
        g_loss = self.generator_loss(real)

        tqdm_dict = {'g_loss': g_loss}
        output = OrderedDict({
            'loss': g_loss,
            'progress_bar': tqdm_dict,
            'log': tqdm_dict
        return output

Example 3: Changing the way the loss is calculated in a contrastive self-supervised learning approach

from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import AMDIM

class MyDIM(AMDIM):

    def validation_step(self, batch, batch_nb):
        [img_1, img_2], labels = batch

        # generate features
        r1_x1, r5_x1, r7_x1, r1_x2, r5_x2, r7_x2 = self.forward(img_1, img_2)

        # Contrastive task
        loss, lgt_reg = self.contrastive_task((r1_x1, r5_x1, r7_x1), (r1_x2, r5_x2, r7_x2))
        unsupervised_loss = loss.sum() + lgt_reg

        result = {
            'val_nce': unsupervised_loss
        return result

Importing parts

All the bolts are modular. This means you can also arbitrarily mix and match fundamental blocks from across approaches.

Example 1: Use the VAE encoder for a GAN as a generator

from pl_bolts.models.gans import GAN
from pl_bolts.models.autoencoders.basic_vae import Encoder

class FancyGAN(GAN):

    def init_generator(self, img_dim):
        generator = Encoder(...)
        return generator

trainer = Trainer(...)

Example 2: Use the contrastive task of AMDIM in CPC

from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import AMDIM, CPC_v2

default_amdim_task = AMDIM().contrastive_task
model = CPC_v2(contrastive_task=default_amdim_task, encoder='cpc_default')
# you might need to modify the cpc encoder depending on what you use

Compose new ideas

You may also be interested in creating completely new approaches that mix and match all sorts of different pieces together

# this model is for illustration purposes, it makes no research sense but it's intended to show
# that you can be as creative and expressive as you want.
class MyNewContrastiveApproach(pl.LightningModule):

    def __init__(self):

        self.gan = GAN()
        self.vae = VAE()
        self.amdim = AMDIM()
        self.cpc = CPC_v2

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        (x, y) = batch

        feat_a = self.gan.generator(x)
        feat_b = self.vae.encoder(x)

        unsup_loss = self.amdim(feat_a) + self.cpc(feat_b)

        vae_loss = self.vae._step(batch)
        gan_loss = self.gan.generator_loss(x)

        return unsup_loss + vae_loss + gan_loss
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