
Introduction Guide

Welcome to PyTorch Lightning Bolts!

Bolts is a Deep learning research and production toolbox of:

  • SOTA pretrained models.

  • Model components.

  • Callbacks.

  • Losses.

  • Datasets.

The Main goal of Bolts is to enable trying new ideas as fast as possible!


Currently, Bolts is going through a major revision. For more information about it, see these GitHub issues (#819 and #839) and stability section

All models are tested (daily), benchmarked, documented and work on CPUs, TPUs, GPUs and 16-bit precision.

some examples!

from pl_bolts.models import VAE
from import GPT2, ImageGPT, PixelCNN
from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import AMDIM, CPC_v2, SimCLR, Moco_v2
from pl_bolts.models import LinearRegression, LogisticRegression
from pl_bolts.models.gans import GAN
from pl_bolts.callbacks import PrintTableMetricsCallback
from pl_bolts.datamodules import FashionMNISTDataModule, CIFAR10DataModule, ImagenetDataModule

Bolts are built for rapid idea iteration - subclass, override and train!

from import ImageGPT
from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

class VideoGPT(ImageGPT):

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        x, y = batch
        x = _shape_input(x)

        logits = self.gpt(x)
        simclr_features = self.simclr(x)

        # -----------------
        # do something new with GPT logits + simclr_features
        # -----------------

        loss = self.criterion(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), x.view(-1).long())

        logs = {"loss": loss}
        return {"loss": loss, "log": logs}

Mix and match data, modules and components as you please!

model = GAN(datamodule=ImagenetDataModule(PATH))
model = GAN(datamodule=FashionMNISTDataModule(PATH))
model = ImageGPT(datamodule=FashionMNISTDataModule(PATH))

And train on any hardware accelerator

import pytorch_lightning as pl

model = ImageGPT(datamodule=FashionMNISTDataModule(PATH))

# cpus

# gpus

# tpus

Or pass in any dataset of your choice

model = ImageGPT()

Community Built

Then lightning community builds bolts and contributes them to Bolts. The lightning team guarantees that contributions are:

  1. Rigorously tested (CPUs, GPUs, TPUs).

  2. Rigorously documented.

  3. Standardized via PyTorch Lightning.

  4. Optimized for speed.

  5. Checked for correctness.

How to contribute

We accept contributions directly to Bolts or via your own repository.


We encourage you to have your own repository so we can link to it via our docs!

To contribute:

  1. Submit a pull request to Bolts (we will help you finish it!).

  2. We’ll help you add tests.

  3. We’ll help you refactor models to work on (GPU, TPU, CPU)..

  4. We’ll help you remove bottlenecks in your model.

  5. We’ll help you write up documentation.

  6. We’ll help you pretrain expensive models and host weights for you.

  7. We’ll create proper attribution for you and link to your repo.

  8. Once all of this is ready, we will merge into bolts.

After your model or other contribution is in bolts, our team will make sure it maintains compatibility with the other components of the library!

Contribution ideas

Don’t have something to contribute? Ping us on Slack or look at our Github issues!

We’ll help and guide you through the implementation / conversion

When to use Bolts

For pretrained models

Most bolts have pretrained weights trained on various datasets or algorithms. This is useful when you don’t have enough data, time or money to do your own training.

For example, you could use a pretrained VAE to generate features for an image dataset.

from pl_bolts.models.autoencoders import VAE
from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import CPC_v2

model1 = VAE(input_height=32, pretrained='imagenet2012')
encoder = model1.encoder

# bolts are pretrained on different datasets
model2 = CPC_v2(encoder='resnet18', pretrained='imagenet128').freeze()
model3 = CPC_v2(encoder='resnet18', pretrained='stl10').freeze()
for (x, y) in own_data:
    features = encoder(x)
    feat2 = model2(x)
    feat3 = model3(x)

# which is better?

To finetune on your data

If you have your own data, finetuning can often increase the performance. Since this is pure PyTorch you can use any finetuning protocol you prefer.

Example 1: Unfrozen finetune

# unfrozen finetune
model = CPC_v2(encoder='resnet18', pretrained='imagenet128')
resnet18 = model.encoder
# don't call .freeze()

classifier = LogisticRegression(...)

for (x, y) in own_data:
    feats = resnet18(x)
    y_hat = classifier(feats)

Example 2: Freeze then unfreeze

model = CPC_v2(encoder='resnet18', pretrained='imagenet128')
resnet18 = model.encoder

classifier = LogisticRegression(...)

for epoch in epochs:
    for (x, y) in own_data:
        feats = resnet18(x)
        y_hat = classifier(feats)
        loss = cross_entropy_with_logits(y_hat, y)

    # UNFREEZE after 10 epochs
    if epoch == 10:

For research

Here is where bolts is very different than other libraries with models. It’s not just designed for production, but each module is written to be easily extended for research.

from import ImageGPT
from pl_bolts.models.self_supervised import SimCLR

class VideoGPT(ImageGPT):

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        x, y = batch
        x = _shape_input(x)

        logits = self.gpt(x)
        simclr_features = self.simclr(x)

        # -----------------
        # do something new with GPT logits + simclr_features
        # -----------------

        loss = self.criterion(logits.view(-1, logits.size(-1)), x.view(-1).long())

        logs = {"loss": loss}
        return {"loss": loss, "log": logs}

Or perhaps your research is in self_supervised_learning and you want to do a new SimCLR. In this case, the only thing you want to change is the loss.

By subclassing you can focus on changing a single piece of a system without worrying that the other parts work (because if they are in Bolts, then they do and we’ve tested it).

# subclass SimCLR and change ONLY what you want to try
class ComplexCLR(SimCLR):

    def init_loss(self):
        return self.new_xent_loss

    def new_xent_loss(self):
        out =[out_1, out_2], dim=0) n_samples = len(out)

        # Full similarity matrix
        cov =, out.t().contiguous())
        sim = torch.exp(cov / temperature)

        # Negative similarity
        mask = ~torch.eye(n_samples, device=sim.device).bool()
        neg = sim.masked_select(mask).view(n_samples, -1).sum(dim=-1)

        # ------------------
        # some new thing we want to do
        # ------------------

        # Positive similarity :
        pos = torch.exp(torch.sum(out_1 * out_2, dim=-1) / temperature)
        pos =[pos, pos], dim=0)
        loss = -torch.log(pos / neg).mean()

        return loss


Callbacks are arbitrary programs which can run at any points in time within a training loop in Lightning.

Bolts houses a collection of callbacks that are community contributed and can work in any Lightning Module!

from pl_bolts.callbacks import PrintTableMetricsCallback
import pytorch_lightning as pl

trainer = pl.Trainer(callbacks=[PrintTableMetricsCallback()])


In PyTorch, working with data has these major elements.

  1. Downloading, saving and preparing the dataset.

  2. Splitting into train, val and test.

  3. For each split, applying different transforms

A DataModule groups together those actions into a single reproducible DataModule that can be shared around to guarantee:

  1. Consistent data preprocessing (download, splits, etc…)

  2. The same exact splits

  3. The same exact transforms

from pl_bolts.datamodules import ImagenetDataModule

dm = ImagenetDataModule(data_dir=PATH)

# standard PyTorch!
train_loader = dm.train_dataloader()
val_loader = dm.val_dataloader()
test_loader = dm.test_dataloader()


But when paired with PyTorch LightningModules (all bolts models), you can plug and play full dataset definitions with the same splits, transforms, etc…

imagenet = ImagenetDataModule(PATH)
model = VAE(datamodule=imagenet)
model = ImageGPT(datamodule=imagenet)
model = GAN(datamodule=imagenet)

We even have prebuilt modules to bridge the gap between Numpy, Sklearn and PyTorch

from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes
from pl_bolts.datamodules import SklearnDataModule

X, y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
datamodule = SklearnDataModule(X, y)

model = LitModel(datamodule)

Regression Heroes

In case your job or research doesn’t need a “hammer”, we offer implementations of Classic ML models which benefit from lightning’s multi-GPU and TPU support.

So, now you can run huge workloads scalably, without needing to do any engineering. For instance, here we can run logistic Regression on Imagenet (each epoch takes about 3 minutes)!

from pl_bolts.models.regression import LogisticRegression

imagenet = ImagenetDataModule(PATH)

# 224 x 224 x 3
pixels_per_image = 150528
model = LogisticRegression(input_dim=pixels_per_image, num_classes=1000)
model.prepare_data = imagenet.prepare_data

trainer = Trainer(gpus=2)

Linear Regression

Here’s an example for Linear regression

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pl_bolts.datamodules import SklearnDataModule
from sklearn.datasets import load_diabetes

# link the numpy dataset to PyTorch
X, y = load_diabetes(return_X_y=True)
loaders = SklearnDataModule(X, y)

# training runs training batches while validating against a validation set
model = LinearRegression()
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_gpus=8), train_dataloaders=loaders.train_dataloader(), val_dataloaders=loaders.val_dataloader())

Once you’re done, you can run the test set if needed.


But more importantly, you can scale up to many GPUs, TPUs or even CPUs

# 8 GPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_gpus=8)

# 8 TPU cores
trainer = pl.Trainer(tpu_cores=8)

# 32 GPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_gpus=8, num_nodes=4)

# 128 CPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_processes=128)

Logistic Regression

Here’s an example for logistic regression

from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from pl_bolts.models.regression import LogisticRegression
from pl_bolts.datamodules import SklearnDataModule
import pytorch_lightning as pl

# use any numpy or sklearn dataset
X, y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)
dm = SklearnDataModule(X, y, batch_size=12)

# build model
model = LogisticRegression(input_dim=4, num_classes=3)

# fit
trainer = pl.Trainer(tpu_cores=8, precision=16), train_dataloaders=dm.train_dataloader(), val_dataloaders=dm.val_dataloader())


Any input will be flattened across all dimensions except the first one (batch). This means images, sound, etc… work out of the box.

# create dataset
dm = MNISTDataModule(num_workers=0, data_dir=tmpdir)

model = LogisticRegression(input_dim=28 * 28, num_classes=10, learning_rate=0.001)
model.prepare_data = dm.prepare_data
model.train_dataloader = dm.train_dataloader
model.val_dataloader = dm.val_dataloader
model.test_dataloader = dm.test_dataloader

trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=2)
# {test_acc: 0.92}

But more importantly, you can scale up to many GPUs, TPUs or even CPUs

# 8 GPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_gpus=8)

# 8 TPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(tpu_cores=8)

# 32 GPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_gpus=8, num_nodes=4)

# 128 CPUs
trainer = pl.Trainer(num_processes=128)

Regular PyTorch

Everything in bolts also works with regular PyTorch since they are all just nn.Modules!

However, if you train using Lightning you don’t have to deal with engineering code :)

Command line support

Any bolt module can also be trained from the command line

cd pl_bolts/models/autoencoders/basic_vae

Each script accepts Argparse arguments for both the lightning trainer and the model

python --latent_dim 32 --batch_size 32 --gpus 4 --max_epochs 12
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